I-84 Waterbury Widening

I-84 Waterbury Widening

Images go here.

Photos Oct-Dec 2018

Begin December aerial photos: facing west, I-84 and the Austin Road Bridge, and projct limits from Pierpont Road
Begin December aerial photos: facing west, I-84 and the Austin Road Bridge, and project limits from Pierpont Road

Facing southwest, I-84 west of Austin Road at overpass of Pierpont Road
Facing southwest, I-84 west of Austin Road at overpass of Pierpont Road

Facing northwest, I-84 from Pierpont Road to Scott Road vicinity
Facing northwest, I-84 from Pierpont Road to Scott Road vicinity, to Harpers Ferry Road, and beyond

Facing west, I-84 and Scott Road vicinity, with new bridge and on- and off-ramps, and realigned Beaver Pond Brook
Facing west, I-84 and Scott Road vicinity, with new bridge and on- and off-ramps, and realigned Beaver Pond Brook

Facing north, I-84 and WB 25 off-ramp
Facing north, I-84 and WB 25 off-ramp

Facing southwest, Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge and reconstructed Scott Road and Plank Road East
Facing southwest, Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge and reconstructed Scott Road and Plank Road East

Facing south, Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge and reconstructed Reidville Drive
Facing south, Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge and reconstructed Reidville Drive

Facing south, Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge and reconstructed Plank Road East and East Main Street
Facing south, Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge and reconstructed Plank Road East and East Main Street

Facing south, the new Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge
Facing south, the new Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge

Facing east, East Main Street, reconstructed from the commuter lot, westwardAC
Facing east, East Main Street, reconstructed from the commuter lot, westward to Bryan St.

Facing east, the East Main Street, Scott Road, Plank Road East reconstructed vicinity
Facing east, the East Main Street, Scott Road, Plank Road East reconstructed vicinity

Facing northwest, reconstructed East Main Street
Facing northwest, reconstructed East Main Street

Facing east, reconstructed Plank Road East, from Scott Road
Facing east, reconstructed Plank Road East, from Scott Road

Facing north, site of fomer WB 25 on-ramp and new Plank Road East
Facing north, site of fomer WB 25 on-ramp and new Plank Road East

Facing north, newly constructed Plank Road East is open north of I-84, between Harpers Ferry and Scott Roads
Facing NW, newly constructed Plank Road East is open north of I-84, between Harpers Ferry and Scott Roads

Facing northwest, new Plank Road East and new intersection at Harpers Ferry Road
Facing northwest, new Plank Road East and new intersection at Harpers Ferry Road

Facing west, realigned I-84 and Harpers Ferry Road vicinity
Facing west, realigned I-84 and Harpers Ferry Road vicinity

Facing south, Harpers Ferry Road vicinity
Facing south, Harpers Ferry Road vicinity

Facing southeast, reconstructed Plank Road and Harpers Ferry Road
Facing southeast, reconstructed Plank Road and Harpers Ferry Road

Facing south, reconstructed Harpers Ferry Road and Mad River
Facing south, reconstructed Harpers Ferry Road and Mad River

With east at top, I-84 and Harpers Ferry Road Bridge vicinity
With east at top, I-84 and Harpers Ferry Road Bridge vicinity

With east at top, I-84 and Harpers Ferry Road Bridge to Scott Road and beyond
With east at top, I-84 and Harpers Ferry Road Bridge to Scott Road and beyond

Facing north, the new WB 25 on-ramp bridge over the Mad River
Facing north, the new WB 25 on-ramp bridge over the Mad River

Facing north, harpers Ferry Road Bridge vicinity
Facing north, Harpers Ferry Road Bridge vicinity

With east at top, new EB 25 off-ramp to Harpers Ferry Road is far right
With east at top, new EB 25 off-ramp to Harpers Ferry Road is far right

Facing north, Harpers Ferry Road Bridge vicinity
Facing north, Harpers Ferry Road Bridge vicinity

Facing south, I-84 west of Harpers Ferry Road
Facing south, I-84 west of Harpers Ferry Road

Facing north, the new EB 23 on-ramp from Hamilton Avenue
Facing north, the new EB 23 on-ramp from Hamilton Avenue

Facing west, I-84 and Hamilton Avenue Bridge vicinity
Facing west, I-84 and Hamilton Avenue Bridge vicinity

Facing southwest, I-84 and Hamilton Avenue Bridge vicinity
Facing southwest, I-84 and Hamilton Avenue Bridge vicinity

Facing east, Hamilton Avenue Bridge vicinity
Facing west, Hamilton Avenue Bridge vicinity

Facing southeast, I-84 and reconstructed Hamilton Avenue
Facing southeast, I-84 and reconstructed Hamilton Avenue

Facing north, newly paved EB 23 off ramps, and sound barrier wall
Facing north, newly paved EB 23 off ramps, and sound barrier wall

Facing north, newly paved Hamilton Avenue is north of I-84
Facing north, newly paved Hamilton Avenue is north of I-84

With south at top, end of project limits at Washington Street
With south at top, end of project limits at Washington Street

With east at top, end of project limits at Washington Street; end December aerial photos
With east at top, end of project limits at Washington Street

Facing east, the I-84 Waterbury Project from washington St. to Pierpont Rd. End December aerial photos
Facing east, the I-84 Waterbury Project from Washington St. to Pierpont Rd; End December aerial photos

Facing west, paving on Hamilton Avenue, adjacent to the commuter lot
Facing west, paving on Hamilton Avenue, adjacent to the commuter lot

Facing west, paving on Reidville Drive
Facing west, paving on Reidville Drive

Facing west, view of future WB 25 on-ramp (right) and realigned Mad River
Facing west, view of future WB 25 on-ramp (right) and realigned Mad River

Facing east, paving on Reidville Drive
Facing east, paving on Reidville Drive

Facing north, sidewalk installation south of the eastbound 25 on-ramp on Scott Road.
Facing north, sidewalk installation nouth of the eastbound 25 on-ramp on Scott Road

Facing west, sidewalk installation on Scott Road
Facing west, sidewalk installation on Scott Road

Final paving of EB 25 off-ramp
Final paving of EB 25 off-ramp

Facing west, installation of precast wall section along future Plank Road East.
Facing west, installation of precast wall section along future Plank Road East

Facing southwest, future Plank Road East in preparation before paving.
Facing southwest, path of future WB 25 on-ramp in preparation before paving

Facing south from the EB 25 on-ramp, I-84 and EB 25 off-ramp to Harpers Ferry Road
Facing south from the future WB 25 on-ramp, I-84 and EB 25 off-ramp to Harpers Ferry Road

Facing east, milling on EB 23 off-ramp in preparation of final paving
Facing east, milling on EB 23 off-ramp in preparation of final paving

Facing southwest, final paving on Plank Road East
Facing southwest, final paving on Plank Road East

Facing west, reconstruction at intersection of Scott Road and East Main Street
Facing west, reconstruction at intersection of Scott Road and East Main Street

Facing northwest, final pavin on EB 23 off-ramp at Hamilton Avenue
Facing northwest, final paving on EB 23 off-ramp at Hamilton Avenue to Harpers Ferry Road

Facing west, paving on fuure Plank Road East
Facing west, paving on fuure Plank Road East

Facing west, reconstruction of Reidville Drive
Facing west, reconstruction of Reidville Drive

Paving of access road to Mobil gas station from Plank Road East
Paving of access road to Mobil gas station from Plank Road East

Facing north from site of future WB 25 on-ramp, realigned Mad River at Plank and Harpers Ferry Roads
Facing north from site of future WB 25 on-ramp, realigned Mad River at Plank and Harpers Ferry Roads

Paving on Fairbanks Street north of Plank Road East
Paving on Fairbanks Street north of Plank Road East

Maintenance and protection of traffic on Hamilton Avenue during paving operations.
Maintenance and protection of traffic on Hamilton Avenue during paving operations

Facing east, east of Scott Road, Beaver Pond Brook north of WB 25 off-ramp
Facing east, east of Scott Road, Beaver Pond Brook north of WB 25 off-ramp

facing north, toward Plank Road, installation of metal beam rail along Harpers Ferry Road
Facing north, toward Plank Road, installation of metal beam rail along Harpers Ferry Road

Pedestrain signalization installation at Plank Road and East Main Street intersection
Pedestrian-safety signalization installation at Plank Road and East Main Street intersection

Facing west, from Harpers Ferry Road, I-84 with Mad River, and future WB 25 on-ramp at right
Facing west, from Harpers Ferry Road, I-84 with Mad River, and future WB 25 on-ramp at right

Facing northwest, begin November aerial photos from Austin Road overpass
Facing northwest, begin November aerial photos from Austin Road overpass

Facing northwest, I-84 west of Austin Road
Facing northwest, I-84 west of Austin Road

Facing northwest, I-84 at Pierpont Road
Facing northwest, I-84 at Pierpont Road

Facing south, I-84 west of Pierpont Road
Facing south, I-84 west of Pierpont Road

Facing west, I-84 and the Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge at Scott Road
Facing west, I-84 and the Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge at Scott Road

Facing east, I-84 and the Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge at Scott Road
Facing northeast, I-84 and the Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge at Scott Road

Facing northeast, I-84 and the Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge at Scott Road
Facing northeast, I-84 and the Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge at Scott Road

Facing east, I-84 and the Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge at Scott Road
Facing east, I-84 and the Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge at Scott Road

Worker cutting rebar for bridge deck on future EB 25 on-ramp
Worker cutting rebar for bridge deck on future WB 25 on-ramp

Rebar in place on bridge deck on future EB 25 on-ramp
Rebar in place on bridge deck on future WB 25 on-ramp

Setting up for concrete pour on bridge deck on future EB 25 on-ramp
Setting up for concrete pour on bridge deck on future WB 25 on-ramp

Concrete pour on bridge deck on future EB 25 on-ramp
Concrete pour on bridge deck on future WB 25 on-ramp

Concrete pour on bridge deck on future EB 25 on-ramp
Concrete pour on bridge deck on future WB 25 on-ramp

Concrete pour on bridge deck on future EB 25 on-ramp
Concrete pour on bridge deck on future WB 25 on-ramp

Workers guide concrete pour on bridge deck on future EB 25 on-ramp
Workers guide concrete pour on bridge deck on future WB 25 on-ramp

Concrete bridge deck and deck finishing machine on future EB 25 on-ramp
Concrete bridge deck and deck finishing machine on future WB 25 on-ramp

Workers apply waterproof membrane to bridge deck
Workers apply waterproof membrane to bridge deck

Workers apply waterproof membrane to bridge deck
Workers apply waterproof membrane to bridge deck

New on-ramp bridge over the Mad River at sunset
New on-ramp bridge over the Mad River at sunset

October aerial photos: Facing southeast, project limits at Washington Street extending towards Hamilton Avenue
October aerial photos: Facing southeast, project limits at Washington Street extending towards Hamilton Avenue

Facing east, the Project from Hamilton Ave. Bridge to harpers Ferry Road to Scott Road
Facing east, the Project from Hamilton Ave. Bridge, to Harpers Ferry Road, to Scott Road

Facing east, from west of Harpers Ferry Road and I-84 over the Mad River
Facing east, from west of Harpers Ferry Road and I-84 over the Mad River, south of Hamilton Park

Facing west, I-84 and Harpers Ferry Road bridge, with future WB 25 on-ramp under construction
Facing west, I-84 and Harpers Ferry Road bridge, with future WB 25 on-ramp under construction

Facing south, I-84 and Harpers Ferry Road bridge, with future Plank Road East and WB 25 on-ramp north of I-84, and Reidville Drive and EB 25 off-ramp south of I-84
Facing south, I-84 and Harpers Ferry Road bridge, with future Plank Road East and WB 25 on-ramp north of I-84, and Reidville Drive and EB 25 off-ramp south of I-84

Facing northwest, future Plank Road East, with sound barrier wall on northern side, to Harpers Ferry Road
Facing northwest, future Plank Road East, with sound barrier wall on northern side, to Harpers Ferry Road

Facing east, I-84 and Harpers Ferry Road vicinity
Facing east, I-84 and Harpers Ferry Road vicinity

Facing north, I-84 and Harpers Ferry Road vicinity, with Plank Road, Plank Road East, and Reidville Drive
Facing north, I-84 and Harpers Ferry Road vicinity, with Plank Road, Plank Road East, and Reidville Drive

Facing east, I-84 and Harpers Ferry Road vicinity, with Plank Road, Plank Road East, and Reidville Drive
Facing east, I-84 and Harpers Ferry Road vicinity, with Plank Road, Plank Road East, and Reidville Drive

Facing east, Harpers Ferry Road with future Plank Road East and WB 25 on-ramp intersection
Facing east, Harpers Ferry Road with future Plank Road East and WB 25 on-ramp intersection

Facing southwest, I-84 and  Harpers Ferry Road with future Plank Road East and WB 25 on-ramp intersection
Facing southwest, I-84 and Harpers Ferry Road with future Plank Road East and WB 25 on-ramp intersection

Facing northwest, East Main Street reconstruction and Scott Road
Facing northwest, East Main Street reconstruction and Scott Road

Facing southeast, East Main Street reconstruction and Scott Road
Facing southeast, East Main Street reconstruction and Scott Road

Facing southwest, Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge at Scott Road
Facing southwest, Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge at Scott Road

Hamilton Avenue Bridge vicinity 2015 - 2018
Hamilton Avenue Bridge vicinity 2015 – 2018

Harpers Ferry Road Bridge vicinity 2015 - 2018
Harpers Ferry Road Bridge vicinity 2015 – 2018

Scott Road & Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge vicinity 2015 - 2018
Scott Road & Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge vicinity 2015 – 2018

WB I-84 Nighttime Paving Operations
WB I-84 Nighttime Paving Operations

Nighttime paving of WB I-84, October, 2018

Nighttime Paving of I-84 - Bill Shettle, Rep-Am photo
Nighttime Paving of I-84 – Bill Shettle, Rep-Am photo, as well as photos below

Nighttime Paving of I-84 - Bill Shettle, Rep-Am photo

Nighttime Paving of I-84 - Bill Shettle, Rep-Am photo

Nighttime Paving of I-84 - Bill Shettle, Rep-Am photo