I-84 Waterbury Widening

I-84 Waterbury Widening

Images go here.

Photos: Jan-Mar 2017

Facing west, from Pierpont Road with new median, lanes, and sound barrier wall
Begin March aerial photos from east end of project: Facing west, from Pierpont Road with new median, lanes, and sound barrier wall

Facing west, approaching WB 25 off ramp - new median, lanes, and sound barrier wall construction
Facing west, approaching WB 25 off ramp – new median, lanes, and sound barrier wall construction

Facing west, approaching WB 25 off ramp - new median, lanes, and sound barrier wall construction
Facing northwest, path for new WB 25 off ramp and rerouted Beaver Pond Brook

Construction of pier and abutments for eastern portion of new Scott Road bridge
Construction of pier and abutments for eastern portion of new Scott Road bridge

Scott Road bridge vicinity, facing east
Scott Road bridge vicinity, facing east

Facing south, Scott Road bridge vicinity, with new path of WB 25 off ramp below I-84 to left of Scott Road, and path of future Plank Road East to the right of Scott Road
Facing south, Scott Road bridge vicinity, with new path of WB 25 off ramp below I-84 to left of Scott Road, and path of future Plank Road East to the right of Scott Road

Facing west, two new culverts, one under Scott Road, the other under future Plank Road East
Facing west, two new culverts, one under Scott Road, the other under future Plank Road East

Retaining Wall 106 - future Plank Road East will run east/west adjacent to WB I-84
Retaining Wall 106 – future Plank Road East will run east/west adjacent to WB I-84

Facing north, west of Harpers Ferry Road bridge, Reidville Drive traffic shift for culvert work
Facing north, west of Harpers Ferry Road bridge, Reidville Drive traffic shift for culvert work

Facing west, traffic shifts at Reidville Drive for new culvert; Harpers Ferry Road bridgeAC
Facing west, traffic shifts on Reidville Drive for new culvert work; Harpers Ferry Road bridge beyond

Facing south, Reidville rock cut with construction of three bridges south of I-84
Facing south, Reidville rock cut with construction of three bridges south of I-84

Facing southeast, Plank Road vicinity north of I-84
Facing southeast, Plank Road vicinity north of I-84

Construction of three bridges: from left to right - Harpers Ferry Road, I-84 WB & EB, EB 25 off ramp
Construction of three bridges: from left to right – Harpers Ferry Road, I-84 WB & EB, EB 25 off ramp

Facing north, construction of three bridges: from left to right - EB 25 off ramp, EB & WB I-84, and Harpers Ferry Road
Facing north, construction of three bridges: from left to right – EB 25 off ramp, EB & WB I-84, and Harpers Ferry Road

Facing west, new path for Reidville Drive and I-84
Facing west, new path for Reidville Drive and I-84

I-84 traffic shift (lower right) and construction of three bridges west of Harpers Ferry Road
I-84 traffic shift (lower right) and construction of three bridges west of Harpers Ferry Road

Section of structural steel in place for new Harpers Ferry Road Bridge
Section of structural steel in place for new Harpers Ferry Road Bridge

Construction of abutments for northern half of I-84 bridge over the Mad River eastern crossing
Construction of abutments for northern half of I-84 bridge over the Mad River eastern crossing

Top to bottom: footing construction for new half  I-84 bridge; completed half f I-84 bridge: EB 25 off ramp; sound barrier wall (along ramp); new pedestrian bridge; and temporary haul bridge
Top to bottom: footing construction for new half of I-84 bridge; completed half of I-84 bridge: EB 25 off ramp; sound barrier wall (along ramp); new pedestrian bridge; and temporary haul bridge

Facing southeast, Hamilton Avenue Bridge vicinity, with new WB 23 off ramp on right
Facing southeast, Hamilton Avenue Bridge vicinity, with new WB 23 off ramp on right

Pier for new EB 23 on ramp
Abutment for new EB 23 on ramp

Site of new EB 25 off ramp, and EB 23 on ramp
Site of new EB 25 off ramp, and EB 23 on ramp

New Hamilton Avenue bridge and WB 23 off ramp
New Hamilton Avenue Bridge and WB 23 off ramp

The I-84 Waterbury Project, from Hamilton Avenue, vicinity, facing east (end March aerial views)
The I-84 Waterbury Project, from Hamilton Avenue vicinity, facing east (end March aerial views)

District Engineer John S. Dunham discusses project details and progress at the Democratic Caucus meeting at CTDOT 3/30/2017
District Engineer John S. Dunham (left) explains project details and progress to the Democratic Caucus at a meeting hosted by Connecticut Department of Transportation, in Newington, 3/30/2017

Commissioner James P. Redecker presents Department of Transportation Funding, Operating Budget, and Capital Program to the Democratic Caucus
Commissioner James P. Redecker presents Department of Transportation Funding, Operating Budget, and Capital Program, to the Democratic Caucus.

District Engineer John S. Dunham with the I-84 Waterbury Project display developed for the event.
District Engineer John S. Dunham with the I-84 Waterbury Project display developed for the event.

District Engineer John S. Dunham discusses details of the I-84 Waterbury Project with attendees.
District Engineer John S. Dunham discusses details of the I-84 Waterbury Project with attendees.

Display developed to show current project progress and future paths for I-84 and local roads.
Display developed to show current project progress and future paths for I-84 and local roads.

Future path of I-84 and local roads
Future paths of I-84 and local roads

Hamilton Avenue Bridge vicinity - display board with current work
Hamilton Avenue Bridge vicinity – display board with current work

Scott Road Bridge vicinity - display board with current work
Scott Road Bridge vicinity – display board with current work

Steel erection on future I-84 bridge over Mad River, and panoramic view of new EB 25 off ramp - display board with current work
Steel erection on future I-84 bridge over Mad River (top), and new EB 25 off ramp (bottom) – display board

New sound barrier wall, along WB I-84, east of WB 25 off ramp, and reconstructed median
Begin aerial views of construction taken February, 2017, starting from east end of Project:
New sound barrier wall, along WB I-84, east of WB 25 off ramp, and reconstructed median

Facing north with East Main St at top, Scott Road Bridge, realigned Mad River and two new culverts; at Scott Road and furture Plank Road East
Facing north (East Main St. at top), Scott Road Bridge vicinity with two new culverts; at Scott Road and future Plank Road East

Facing north with East Main St. at top, Scott Road Bridge vicinity; construction of bridge abutments, and new WB 23 off ramp; realigned Mad River and two new culverts; at Scott Road and Plank Road East
Facing north with East Main St at top, Scott Road Bridge vicinity; construction of bridge abutments, and new WB 23 off ramp; realigned Mad River and two new culverts; at Scott Road and Plank Road East

Facing west, culvert construction under I-84, south of WB 25 on ramp
Facing west, culvert construction under I-84, south of WB 25 on ramp

Detail of construction of retaining wall adjacent to (and on the north side of) future Plank Road East
Detail of construction of retaining wall adjacent to (and on the north side of) future Plank Road East

Construction of retaining wall to be adjacent to (and on the north side of) future Plank Road East
Construction of retaining wall to be adjacent to (and on the north side of) future Plank Road East

Facing east, culvert work along Reidville Drive, adjacent to I-84
Facing east, culvert work along Reidville Drive, adjacent to I-84

Plank Road/Harpers Ferry Road vicinity
Plank Road/Harpers Ferry Road vicinity

Facing north, Reidville rock cut, left, south of Harpers Ferry Road and Reidville Drive
Facing north, Reidville rock cut, right, south of Harpers Ferry Road and Reidville Drive

Facing north, abutments and pier for new Harpers Ferry Road Bridge
Facing north, abutments and pier for new Harpers Ferry Road Bridge

Facing east, structural steel in place for new I-84 and EB 25 off ramp over the Mad River
Facing east, structural steel in place for new I-84 and EB 25 off ramp over the Mad River

Facing east, structural steel in place for new I-84 and EB 25 off ramp over the Mad River
Facing east, structural steel in place for new I-84 and EB 25 off ramp over the Mad River

Facing east, structural steel in place for new I-84 and EB 25 off ramp over the Mad River
Facing east, from traffic shift for construction of northern side on I-84 bridge over Mad River western crossing, to new path for I-84 and EB 25 off ramp over the Mad River eastern crossing

Facing south, from bottom to top: Hamilton Park, site of abutment footings for new northern side of 84 bridge over Mad River, western crossing; WB I-84; EB I-84; new EB 25 off ramp with sound barrier wall on southern side; new pedestrian bridge
Facing south, from bottom to top: Hamilton Park, abutment footings for new northern side of I-84 bridge over Mad River, western crossing; WB I-84; EB I-84; new EB 25 off ramp with sound barrier wall on southern side; new pedestrian bridge

Facing west, I-84 bridge over Mad River, western crossing
Facing west, I-84 bridge over Mad River, western crossing

New WB 23 off ramp to Hamilton Avenue
Facing east, new WB 23 off ramp to Hamilton Avenue

Center pier and abutment under construction for new EB 23 on ramp bridge east of Hamilton Avenue Bridge
Center pier and abutment under construction for new EB 23 on ramp bridge east of Hamilton Avenue Bridge

Hamilton Avenue Bridge new eastern portion and demolished western half
Hamilton Avenue Bridge new eastern portion and demolished western half

Facing east, Hamilton Avenue Bridge vicinity with loop ramp - EB 23 on ramp - and sound barrier wall
Facing southeast, Hamilton Avenue Bridge vicinity with loop ramp – EB 23 on ramp – and sound barrier wall

Facing east, Hamilton Avenue Bridge vicinity
Facing east, Hamilton Avenue Bridge vicinity with new loop ramp – End February aerials

International Women's Day, March 8, 2017
International Women’s Day, March 8, 2017

Crane lowers structural steel girder in place at Bridge 5774, future I-84 over the Mad River's eastern crossing 1/25/17
Crane lowers structural steel girder in place at Bridge 5774, future I-84 over the Mad River’s eastern crossing 1/25/17

Worker prepares for setting structural steel for future I-84 bridge over the Mad River's eastern crossing 1/25/17
Worker prepares for setting structural steel for future I-84 bridge over the Mad River’s eastern crossing, west of Harpers Ferry Road 1/25/17

Crane lifts the second structural steel girder into place for future I-84 bridge over the Mad River's 1/26/17
Crane lifts the second structural steel girder into place for future I-84 bridge over the Mad River’s 1/26/17

Workers inspect connections between structural steel diaphrams and girders 1/27/17
Workers inspect connections between structural steel diaphrams and girders 1/27/17

Workers prepare to install diaphragm, (hovering above from crane), between girders 2/2/17
Workers prepare to install diaphragm, (hovering above from crane), between girders 2/2/17

View from east end of the project from Pieront Road, looking west toward Scott Road
View from east end of the project from Pieront Road, looking west toward Scott Road

Roadway work at east end of the project from Pieront Road, looking west
Roadway work at east end of the project from Pieront Road, looking west

Sound barrier wall along WB I-84, west of Pierpont Road
Sound barrier wall along WB I-84, west of Pierpont Road

Facing southwest, Scott Road vicinity
Facing southwest, Scott Road vicinity

Construction of abutments for new Scott Road over future, widened I-84
Construction of abutments for new Scott Road over future, widened I-84

New path for Beaver Pond Brook along WB 25 off ramp, with previous path filled in
New path for Beaver Pond Brook along WB 25 off ramp, with previous path filled in

Beaver Pond Brook flows through three new culverts under Scott Road, future Plank Road East, and I-84.
Beaver Pond Brook flows through three new culverts under Scott Road, future Plank Road East, and I-84.

Beaver Pond Brook and retaining wall along WB I-84, south of Plank Road and the WB 25 on ramp
Beaver Pond Brook and retaining wall along WB I-84, south of Plank Road and the WB 25 on ramp

Looking south east, the path of future Plank Road East is north of WB I-84.
Looking south east, the path of future Plank Road East is north of WB I-84.

Looking north, the path of future Plank Road East is north of WB I-84; retaining wall is under construction
Looking north, the path of future Plank Road East is north of WB I-84; retaining wall is under construction

Construction of soil nail wall for retaining wall which will be adjacent to the future Plank Road East
Construction of soil nail wall for retaining wall which will be adjacent to the future Plank Road East

Looking west from WB 25 on ramp toward Harpers Ferry Road
Looking west from WB 25 on ramp toward Harpers Ferry Road

Facing south, Plank Road vicinity
Facing south, Plank Road vicinity

Structural steel in place for EB 23 off ramp (top), and steel girders being set for future I-84 EB and WB (center)
Structural steel in place for EB 23 off ramp (top), and steel girders being set for future I-84 EB and WB (center)

Looking west, future path of I-84, EB 23 off ramp Reidville Drive and Harpers Ferry Road
Looking west, future path of I-84, EB 23 off ramp, Reidville Drive, and Harpers Ferry Road

Looking west, future path of I-84, EB 23 off ramp Reidville Drive and Harpers Ferry Road and WB 23 on ramp
Looking west, future path of I-84, EB 23 off ramp Reidville Drive, Harpers Ferry Road, and WB 23 on ramp

Looking south, footing for new abutment for north portion of bridge over Mad River western crossing (foreground), new I-84 bridge (with EB & WB traffic (center), future EB 23 off ramp (center, under construction), new pedestrian bridge
Looking south, footing for new abutment for north portion of bridge over Mad River western crossing (foreground), new I-84 bridge (with EB & WB traffic (center), future EB 23 off ramp (center, under construction), new pedestrian bridge

structural steel for future I-84 and EB 23 off ramp
Structural steel for future I-84 (top) and EB 23 off ramp (curved structure)

Looking north, sound barrier wall along future EB 23 off ramp, south of I-84
Looking north, sound barrier wall along future EB 23 off ramp, south of I-84

Looking south, eastern half of Hamilton Avenue Bridge demolition; new WB 25 off ramp (foreground)
Looking south, eastern half of Hamilton Avenue Bridge demolition; new WB 25 off ramp (foreground)

Looking east, construction site of abutment for new EB 23 on ramp
Looking east, construction site of abutment for new EB 23 on ramp

Looking north, new western portion of Hamilton Avenue Bridge, and eastern portion demolition; new loop ramp (top left)
Looking north, new western portion of Hamilton Avenue Bridge, and eastern portion demolition; new loop ramp (top left)

New sound barrier wall adjacent to EB 23 off ramp
New sound barrier wall adjacent to EB 23 off ramp

Western end of project from Washington Street, looking east to Hamilton Avenue Bridge
Western end of project from Washington Street, looking east to Hamilton Avenue Bridge

Looking east from Hamilton Avenue vicinity to Harpers Ferry Road, and beyond
Looking east from Hamilton Avenue vicinity to Harpers Ferry Road, and beyond

Project presentation assets and handout materials at Ys Men of Meriden meeting
Project presentation assets and handout materials at Y’s Men of Meriden’s January 24 meeting

Presentation by Public Information Specialist Ginger Manning at the Ys Men of Meriden's January 24 meeting.
Presentation by Public Information Specialist Ginger Manning at the Y’s Men of Meriden’s January 24 meeting

Workers prepare to divert Beaver Pond Brook (flowing to the left) to new streambed (right), along WB 25 off ramp, to new culvert at Scott Road
Workers prepare to divert Beaver Pond Brook (flowing to the left) to new streambed (right), along WB 25 off ramp, to new culvert at Scott Road

Workers install sand bags to divert Beaver Pond Brook (left) to new streambed (right), along WB 25 off ramp
Workers install sand bags to divert Beaver Pond Brook (left) to new streambed (right), along WB 25 off ramp

Sand bags divert Beaver Pond Brook to new streambed, along WB 25 off ramp
Sand bags divert Beaver Pond Brook to new streambed, along WB 25 off ramp

Water begins to flow westward in new streambed of Beaver Pond Brook
Water begins to flow westward in new streambed of Beaver Pond Brook

Diverted Beaver Pond Brook flows toward new culvert under Scott Road, January, 2017
Diverted Beaver Pond Brook flows toward new culvert under Scott Road, January, 2017

Facing west, I-84 with Scott Road Bridge construction (center), and construction of new path for Beaver Pond Brook along WB 25 off ramp (right)
Facing west, I-84 with Scott Road Bridge construction (center), and construction of new path for Beaver Pond Brook along WB 25 off ramp (right)