I-84 Waterbury Widening

I-84 Waterbury Widening

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CTDOT Commissioner Redeker addressing the news and crowd
CTDOT Commissioner Redeker addressing the news and crowd

CTDOT Commissioner Redeker and Senator Joan Hartley
CTDOT Commissioner Redeker and Senator Joan Hartley

CTDOT Commissioner Redeker addressing the news and crowd
Commissioner Redeker, City of Waterbury Mayor O’Leary, and Governor Malloy with the CTDOT’s Safety Awareness Advocate Safe T. Sam

CTDOT Staff (L-R): Office of Construction, Supervising Engineer, Terry Thompson; District IV, Transportation Supervising Engineer, Richard Symonds; Transportation Construction Administrator, Lew Cannon; District IV, District Engineer, Ken Fargnoli; District IV, Assistant District Engineer, John Dunham; Project Engineer, Chris Zukowski

CTfastrak provides transit information to and from the area
CTfastrak provides transit information to and from the area

Lochner’s Erin Wilkinson with Local 478 Representatives

Governor Malloy with the CTDOT’s Safety Awareness Advocate Safe T. Sam

Representative Noujaim addressing the news and crowd

Safe T Sam
Safe T. Sam waving to I-84 traffic from the Hamilton Avenue commuter lot

Breaking ground
Breaking ground

Official groundbreaking
Official groundbreaking