I-84 Waterbury Widening

I-84 Waterbury Widening

Images go here.

Photos: April-June 2016

I-84 Waterbury Project, from Washington Street to Pierpont Road
I-84 Waterbury Project, from Washington Street to Pierpont Road

Retaining wall along I-84 at EB 23 on ramp
Retaining wall along I-84 at EB 23 on ramp

Noise barrier wall construction at EB exit 23 off ramp
Noise barrier wall construction at EB exit 23 off ramp

I-84 with Hamilton Avenue overpass, facing west
I-84 with Hamilton Avenue overpass, facing west

Retaining walls to the north and south of I-84 at EB 23 off ramp and WB 23 on ramp
Retaining walls to the north and south of I-84 at EB 23 off ramp and WB 23 on ramp

Hamilton Avenue Bridge construction of western portion
Hamilton Avenue Bridge construction of western portion

Hamilton Avenue Bridge construction of western portion
Hamilton Avenue Bridge construction of western portion

I-84 from Harpers Ferry Road, facing west; path for future I-84 and EB 25 off ramp
I-84 from Harpers Ferry Road, facing west; path for future I-84 and EB 25 off ramp

I-84, facing west to WB 23 off ramp and Hamilton Avenue overpass
I-84, facing west to WB 23 off ramp and Hamilton Avenue overpass

Abutment and footing for pier stem for new Harpers Ferry Road bridge over I-84
Abutment and footing for pier stem for new Harpers Ferry Road bridge over I-84

Abutments for new I-84 bridge and EB 25 off ramp over Mad River eastern crossing
Abutments for new I-84 bridge and EB 25 off ramp over Mad River eastern crossing

New I-84 and EB 25 off ramp over Mad River western crossing, and new pedestrian bridge south of Hamilton Park
New I-84 and EB 25 off ramp over Mad River western crossing, and new pedestrian bridge south of Hamilton Park

I-84 with Harpers Ferry Rd to the south; site of new I-84 and EB 25 off ramp bridges over Mad River
I-84 with Harpers Ferry Rd, facing south; site of new I-84 and EB 25 off ramp bridges over Mad River

Reidville rock cut along Reidville Drive and Harpers Ferry Road
Reidville rock cut along Reidville Drive and Harpers Ferry Road

Realigned Mad River flowing through new culvert at Plank Road
Realigned Mad River flowing through new culvert at Plank Road

Culvert under construction on Plank Road East, west of Scott Road
Culvert under construction on Plank Road East, west of Scott Road; Beaver Pond Brook to be realigned to flow through it

Two culverts under construction on both sides of Scott Road north of I-84
Two culverts under construction on both sides of Scott Road north of I-84

I-84 from WB 25 off ramp, facing west toward Scott Road
I-84 from WB 25 off ramp, facing west toward Scott Road

New lane construction from Pierpont Road, facing west
New lane construction from Pierpont Road, facing west

Rebar on top of the stay-in-place forms on the deck of Bridge 1224 awaits concrete
Rebar on top of the stay-in-place forms on the deck of Bridge 1224 awaits concrete

Stay-in-place forms in place for future I-84 bridge over Mad River western crossing
Stay-in-place forms in place for future I-84 bridge (Bridge 1224)over Mad River western crossing

Deck for future I-84 bridge over Mad River western crossing under construction
Deck for future I-84 bridge over Mad River western crossing under construction (Bridge 1224)

Workers construct future I-84 bridge over Mad River western crossing
Workers construct future I-84 bridge over Mad River western crossing (Bridge 1224)

Structural steel in place on Bridge 1224, I-84 over Mad River western crossing
Structural steel in place on Bridge 1224, I-84 over Mad River western crossing

Structural steel for future I-84 and EB 25 off ramp bridges over Mad River (western crossing)
Structural steel for future I-84 and EB 25 off ramp bridges over Mad River (western crossing)

I-84 Waterbury Project's Public Information table set up next to Blackie's hotdog stand, Cheshire, CT June 22, 2016
I-84 Waterbury Project’s Public Information table set up next to Blackie’s hotdog stand, Cheshire, June 22

Mayor Bob Chatfield, Town of Prospect, shares concerns with the Public Information Team
Mayor Bob Chatfield, Town of Prospect, shares concerns with the Public Information Team

Workers and resident share insights with the Public Information Team
Workers and resident share insights on the project with the Public Information Team

Resident offers his observations to I-84 Waterbury Project's Public Information team at the Public Listening Session
Resident offers his observations to I-84 Waterbury Project’s Public Information team at the Public Listening Session

I-84 at Pierpont Road, facing westward
I-84 at Pierpont Road, facing westward

I-84 facing west with Scott Road Bridge
I-84 facing west with Scott Road Bridge

I-84 at Scott Road Bridge with Beaver Pond Brook to the north, and culvert top right
I-84 at Scott Road Bridge with Beaver Pond Brook to the north, and Culvert 06622 top right

Culvert 06622 at Scott Road to carry future Plank Road East
Culvert 06622 at Scott Road to carry future Plank Road East

Jacking pit for new sewer pipe under I-84 at former WB Exit 24 off ramp
Jacking pit for new sewer pipe under I-84 at former WB Exit 24 off ramp

I-84 with Harpers Ferry Road overpass, facing southwest
I-84 with Harpers Ferry Road overpass, facing southwest

I-84 with construction sites for new path for I-84 and EB 25 off ramp
I-84 with construction sites for new path for I-84 and EB 25 off ramp

Harpers Ferry Road above sites for new I-84 and EB 25 off ramp bridges over the Mad River
Harpers Ferry Road above sites for new I-84 and EB 25 off ramp bridges over the Mad River (eastern crossing)

Future EB 25 off ramp and bridge over the Mad River
Future EB 25 off ramp and bridge over the Mad River

View south from Plank Road
View south from Plank Road

Structural steel for future I-84 and EB 25 off ramp bridges over Mad River (western crossing)
Structural steel for future I-84 and EB 25 off ramp bridges over Mad River (western crossing)

I-84 with Hamilton Avenue Bridge overpass, facing eastward
I-84 with Hamilton Avenue Bridge overpass, facing eastward

At Hamilton Avenue Bridge with site of future WB 23 off ramp to the north
At Hamilton Avenue Bridge with site of future WB 23 off ramp to the north

Preparation for sound barrier wall construction at WB 23 off ramp, top right
Preparation for sound barrier wall construction at WB 23 off ramp, top right

View of Project limits from Washington Street, facing east toward Pierpont Road
View of Project limits from Washington Street, facing east toward Pierpont Road

Pedestrian Walkway Across Hamilton Avenue Bridge
Pedestrian Walkway Across Hamilton Avenue Bridge

Steel erection begins for the new Hamilton Avenue Bridge (western portion, facing east)
Steel erection begins for the new Hamilton Avenue Bridge (western portion, facing east)

Crane prepares site for steel erection at Hamilton Avenue Bridge
Crane prepares site for steel erection at Hamilton Avenue Bridge

Workers prepare site for steel erection at Hamilton Avenue Bridge
Workers prepare site for steel erection at Hamilton Avenue Bridge

Steel delivery begins for steel erection at Hamilton Avenue Bridge
Steel delivery begins for steel erection at Hamilton Avenue Bridge

Workers construct temporary shoring tower for steel erection at Hamilton Avenue Bridge
Workers construct temporary shoring tower for steel erection at Hamilton Avenue Bridge

Workers prepare shoring tower and center pier for steel erection at Hamilton Avenue Bridge
Workers prepare shoring tower and center pier for steel erection at Hamilton Avenue Bridge

Culvert 6622 with waterproofing on top May 2016
Culvert 6622 with waterproofing on top May 2016

Structural steel in place on Bridge 1224, I-84 over Mad River western crossing
Structural steel in place on Bridge 1224, I-84 over Mad River western crossing

Site of future EB 25 off ramp (left) and new I-84 bridge over Mad River
Site of future EB 25 off ramp (left) and new I-84 bridge over Mad River

Public Information Meeting 5/5/2016
Public Information Meeting 5/5/2016 (and five photos below)

Public Information Meeting 5/5/2016

Public Information Meeting 5/5/2016

Public Information Meeting 5/5/2016

Public Information Meeting 5/5/2016

Public Information Meeting 5/5/2016

Box culvert (06622) west of Scott Rd. The Beaver Pond Brook will flow through it eventually, under future Plank Rd East
Box culvert (06622) west of Scott Rd. The Beaver Pond Brook will flow through it eventually, under future Plank Rd East

Box culvert (06622) west of Scott Rd. The Beaver Pond Brook will flow through it eventually, under future Plank Rd East
Box culvert (06622) under construction west of Scott Rd.

Future I-84 EB 25 off ramp with Retaining Walls 113 and 114 & Bridge 6284
Future I-84 EB 25 off ramp with Retaining Walls 113 and 114 & Bridge 6284

Progress on future I-84 EB 25 off ramp - Retaining Walls 113 and 114 & Bridge 6284 (left), & abutments for future I-84 over Mad River - Bridge 5774 (right).
Progress on future I-84 EB 25 off ramp – Retaining Walls 113 and 114 & Bridge 6284 (left) with cofferdam for abutment 2 footing on eastern bank, & abutments for future I-84 over Mad River – Bridge 5774 (right).

Site of future I-84 over Mad River - Bridge 5774 (with concrete abutment on western side of the river, and site preparation on eastern bank).
Site of future I-84 over Mad River – Bridge 5774 (with concrete abutment on western side of the river, and site preparation on eastern bank north of cofferdam).

I-84 Waterbury Project from Hamilton Avenue, facing east, April 2016
I-84 Waterbury Project from Hamilton Avenue, facing east, April 2016

I-84 from Washington Street facing east, April 2016
I-84 from Washington Street facing east, April 2016

Hamilton Avenue Bridge vicinity, facing east, April 2016
Hamilton Avenue Bridge vicinity, facing east, April 2016

I-84 with abutments for new bridge over Mad River to the south
I-84 with abutments for new bridge over Mad River to the south

Retaining Wall 104 under construction along EB I-84, east of EB 23 on ramp
Retaining Wall 104 under construction along EB I-84, east of EB 23 on ramp

Site of new path for I-84 and EB 25 off ramp from Harpers Ferry Road, facing north
Site of new path for I-84 and EB 25 off ramp from Harpers Ferry Road, facing north

Future EB 25 off ramp and bridge over Mad River
Future EB 25 off ramp and bridge over Mad River

Future EB 25 off ramp and bridge abutment and footing for bridge over Mad River
Future EB 25 off ramp and bridge abutment and footing for bridge over Mad River

Reidville rock cut, April 2016
Reidville rock cut, April 2016

Site of new path of I-84, April 2016
Site of new path of I-84, April 2016

Site of pipe jacking sewer pipe under I-84 (adjacent to old WB 24 off ramp)
Site of pipe jacking sewer pipe under I-84 (adjacent to old WB 24 off ramp)

Site of new box culvert 06622 for relocation of Beaver Pond Brook at Scott Road and Plank Road East
Site of new box culvert 06622 for relocation of Beaver Pond Brook at Scott Road and Plank Road East

Culvert construction for relocation of Beaver Pond Brook at WB 25 off ramp, Scott Road and Plank Road East
Culvert construction for relocation of Beaver Pond Brook at WB 25 off ramp, Scott Road and Plank Road East