I-84 Waterbury Widening

I-84 Waterbury Widening

Images go here.

Photos: July-Sept 2018

Begin September aerial photos: facing east, Hamilton Avenue Bridge and new EB 23 and 25 off-ramps
Begin September aerial photos: facing east, Hamilton Avenue Bridge and new EB 23 and 25 off-ramps

Facing south, new EB 23 on-ramp, east of Hamilton Avenue Bridge
Facing south, new EB 23 on-ramp, east of Hamilton Avenue Bridge

Facing southwest, new intersection with EB 23 off-ramp, EB 23 on-ramp and Hamilton Avenue
Facing southwest, new intersection with EB 23 off-ramp, EB 23 on-ramp and Hamilton Avenue

Facing west, Hamilton Avenue Bridge
Facing west, Hamilton Avenue Bridge

Facing west, Hamilton Avenue Bridge
Facing west, Hamilton Avenue Bridge

Facing northeast, Hamilton Avenue Bridge
Facing northeast, Hamilton Avenue Bridge

Facing northeast, from east of Hamilton Avenue to Harpers Ferry Road
Facing northeast, from east of Hamilton Avenue to Harpers Ferry Road

Facing south, I-84 and EB 25 off-ramp bridge over the Mad River, western crossing
Facing south, I-84 and EB 25 off-ramp bridge over the Mad River, western crossing

Facing southwest, I-84 and EB 25 off-ramp over the Mad River; Hamilton Park is on right
Facing southwest, I-84 and EB 25 off-ramp over the Mad River; Hamilton Park is on right

Facing west, west of Harpers Ferry Road Bridge, to Hamilton Avenue Bridge
Facing west, west of Harpers Ferry Road Bridge, to Hamilton Avenue Bridge

Facing west, west of Harpers Ferry Road Bridge
Facing west, west of Harpers Ferry Road Bridge

Facing south, EB 25 off ramp and Harpers Ferry Road/Reidville Drive intersection
Facing south, EB 25 off ramp and Harpers Ferry Road/Reidville Drive intersection

Facing west, future WB 25 on-ramp, west of Harpers Ferry Road Bridge
Facing west, future WB 25 on-ramp, west of Harpers Ferry Road Bridge

Facing northwest, future WB 25 on-ramp, west of Harpers Ferry Road Bridge
Facing northwest, future WB 25 on-ramp, west of Harpers Ferry Road Bridge

Facing northwest, future Plank Road east to Harpers Ferry Road
Facing northwest, future Plank Road east to Harpers Ferry Road

Facing southeast, future Plank Road East to Harpers Ferry Road
Facing southeast, future Plank Road East to Harpers Ferry Road

Facing north, Harpers Ferry Road with future WB 25 on-ramp under construction
Facing north, Harpers Ferry Road with future WB 25 on-ramp under construction

Facing north, Harpers Ferry Road with future WB 25 on-ramp under construction
Facing north, Harpers Ferry Road with future WB 25 on-ramp under construction

Facing east, Harpers Ferry Road vicinity
Facing east, Harpers Ferry Road vicinity

With south at top, reconstructed Harpers Ferry Road, with new culvert underneath
With south at top, reconstructed Harpers Ferry Road, with new culvert underneath

With south at top, future WB 25 on-ramp west of Harpers Ferry Road; former I-84 is north of ramp
With south at top, future WB 25 on-ramp west of Harpers Ferry Road; former I-84 is north of ramp

Facing southwest, I-84 and Reidville Drive to the south; future Plank Road East to the north
Facing southwest, I-84 and Reidville Drive to the south; future Plank Road East to the north

Facing west, I-84 east of Harpers Ferry Road Bridge
Facing west, I-84 east of Harpers Ferry Road Bridge

Facing west, I-84 east of Haprers Ferry Road
Facing west, I-84 east of Haprers Ferry Road

Facing north, I-84 with new retaining walls along future Plank Road East
Facing north, I-84 with new retaining walls along future Plank Road East

Facing southwest, I-84 and eastern portion of future Plank Road East
Facing southwest, I-84 and eastern portion of future Plank Road East

Facing west, I-84, interim WB on-ramp, and Plank Road East to the north
Facing west, I-84, interim WB on-ramp, and Plank Road East to the north

Facing southwest, Scott Road and Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge, with western portion under construction
Facing southwest, Scott Road and Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge, with western portion under construction

Facing southwest Scott Road and Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge
Facing southwest, Scott Road and Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge

Facing south Scott Road and Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge
Facing south, Scott Road and Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge

Facing west, Scott Road and Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge; East Main Street is north of Beaver Pond Brook
Facing west, Scott Road and Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge; East Main Street is north of Beaver Pond Brook

Facing north, I-84 and Beaver Pond Brook
Facing north, I-84 and Beaver Pond Brook

Facing west, I-84 and Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge vicinity
Facing west, I-84 and Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge vicinity

Facing northeast, I-84 east of Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge
Facing northeast, I-84 east of Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge

Facing south, I-84 east of Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge
Facing south, I-84 east of Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge

Facing northwest, I-84 east of Pierpont Road
Facing northwest, I-84 east of Pierpont Road

End  September Aerial photos; facing southwest, I-84 at Exit 25 A, Austin Road overpass
End September Aerial photos; facing southwest, I-84 at Exit 25 A, Austin Road overpass

Selim Noujaim welcomes guests at the event honoring his mother, Najla G. Noujaim, at Seven Angel Theatre, on October 2.
Selim Noujaim welcomes guests at the event honoring his mother, Najla G. Noujaim, at Seven Angel Theatre, on October 2.

Archbishop Leonard P. Blair, accompanied by Linda Noujaim, unveil the sign for the new bridge.
Archbishop Leonard P. Blair, accompanied by Linda Noujaim, unveil the sign for the new bridge.

Linda Noujaim, Archbishop Leonard P. Blair, and Selim Noujaim
Linda Noujaim, Archbishop Leonard P. Blair, and Selim Noujaim

I-84 Waterbury Project's Project Engineer Christopher Zukowski, Connecticut Department of Transportation Commissioner James P. Redeker, Selim Noujaim, Archbishop Leonard P. Blair
I-84 Waterbury Project’s Project Engineer Christopher Zukowski, Connecticut Department of Transportation Commissioner James P. Redeker, Selim Noujaim, and Archbishop Leonard P. Blair

I-84 Waterbury Project's Engineers Roy Merritt and Chris Hylas display the sign that will be on I-84 before the approach to the bridge
I-84 Waterbury Project’s Engineers Roy Merritt and Chris Hylas display the sign that will be on I-84 before the bridge

Christopher Zukowski, Project Engineer for the I-84 Waterbury Project, and Selim Noujaim
Christopher Zukowski, Project Engineer for the I-84 Waterbury Project, and Selim Noujaim

Noujaim family members and the sign for the new bridge in honor of Najla G. Noujaim.
Noujaim family members and the sign for the new bridge in honor of Najla G. Noujaim.

To be installed on I-84 - Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge
To be installed on I-84 – Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge

View of Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge at Scott Road, with western portion under construction. The photo was taken October 1, and all six I-84 travel lanes are open.
View of Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge at Scott Road, with western portion under construction. The photo was taken October 1, and all six I-84 travel lanes are open.

Begin August aerial photos: Facing east from Hamilton Avenue Bridge towards Harpers Ferry Road Bridge and beyond
Begin August aerial photos: Facing east from Hamilton Avenue Bridge towards Harpers Ferry Road Bridge and beyond

Facing west from Hamilton Avenue Bridge vicinity toward beginning of Project Limits at Washington Street
Facing west from Hamilton Avenue Bridge vicinity toward beginning of Project Limits at Washington Street

Facing east towards Hamilton Avenue Bridge, the west end of the Project Limits, at Washington Street
Facing east towards Hamilton Avenue Bridge, the west end of the Project Limits, at Washington Street

Facing southwest, new EB 23 on-ramp from Hamilton Avenue Bridge
Facing southwest, new EB 23 on-ramp from Hamilton Avenue Bridge

Facing southwest, Hamilton Avenue Bridge; WB 23 off-ramp is north of I-84
Facing southwest, Hamilton Avenue Bridge; WB 23 off-ramp is north of I-84

Facing west, Hamilton Avenue Bridge vicinity with new on- and off-ramps, and I-84
Facing west, Hamilton Avenue Bridge vicinity with new on- and off-ramps, and I-84

Facing north, southend of Hamilton Avenue Bridge, with new EB 23 on-ramp over EB 25 off-ramp
Facing north, south end of Hamilton Avenue Bridge, with new EB 23 on-ramp over EB 25 off-ramp

Facing south, I-84 and new EB 23 on-ramp/bridge
Facing south, I-84 and new EB 23 on-ramp/bridge

Facing east, from I-84 bridge over the Mad River, south of Hamilton Park, towards Harpers Ferry Road
Facing east, from I-84 bridge over the Mad River, south of Hamilton Park, towards Harpers Ferry Road

Facing east, Harpers Ferry Road Bridge with WB I-84 on-ramp under construction
Facing east, Harpers Ferry Road Bridge with WB I-84 on-ramp under construction

Facing southeast, Harpers Ferry Road Bridbe vicinity; new Harpers Ferry Road and culvert
Facing southeast, Harpers Ferry Road Bridbe vicinity; new Harpers Ferry Road and culvert

Facing west, future WB 25 on-ramp from Harpers Ferry Road
Facing west, future WB 25 on-ramp from Harpers Ferry Road

Facing west, future Plank Road East, frontage road to Harpers Ferry Road
Facing west, future Plank Road East, frontage road to Harpers Ferry Road

Facing west, I-84 at Harpers Ferry Road Bridge vicinity
Facing west, I-84 at Harpers Ferry Road Bridge vicinity

Facing northwest, Future Plank Road East, with sound barrier wall north of I-84
Facing northwest, Future Plank Road East, with sound barrier wall north of I-84

Facing north, future sound barrier wall adjacent to future Plank Road East, north of WB I-84
Facing north, future sound barrier wall adjacent to future Plank Road East, north of WB I-84

Facing north, Harpers Ferry Road Bridge
Facing north, Harpers Ferry Road Bridge

Facing west, reconstructed Harpers Ferry Road with new culvert for Beaver Pond Brook underneath it
Facing east, reconstructed Harpers Ferry Road with new culvert for Beaver Pond Brook underneath it

Facing southeast, new culvert under reconstructed Harpers Ferry Road, and steel being placed for new WB 25 on-ramp
Facing southeast, new culvert under reconstructed Harpers Ferry Road, and steel being placed for new WB 25 on-ramp

Facing southwest, new culvert for Beaver Pond Brook under Harpers Ferry Road
Facing southeast, new culvert for Beaver Pond Brook under Harpers Ferry Road

Facing northeast,retaining walls and path of future Plank Road East north of WB I-84
Facing northeast, retaining walls and path of future Plank Road East north of WB I-84

Facing southeast, I-84 west of Najla G. Noujaim (Scott Road) Bridge
Facing southwest, I-84 west of Najla G. Noujaim (Scott Road) Bridge

I-84, facing east, towards Najla G. Noujaim Bridge
I-84, facing east, towards Najla G. Noujaim (Scott Road) Bridge

Facing northeast, future Plank Road East north of WB I-84; existing on-ramp will be eliminated here
Facing northeast, future Plank Road East north of WB I-84; existing on-ramp will be eliminated here

Facing west, I-84 and Scott Road Bridge
Facing west, I-84 and Najla G. Noujaim (Scott Road) Bridge

Facing north, realigned Beaver Pond Brook north of I-84 and the new WB 25 off-ramp
Facing north, realigned Beaver Pond Brook, north of I-84, and the new WB 25 off-ramp

Facing east, Scott Road Bridge with western bridge deck being prepared for concrete pour
Facing east, Najla G. Noujaim (Scott Road) Bridge with western bridge deck being prepared for concrete pour

Facing east, realigned Beaver pond Brook adjacent to new WB 25 off-ramp
Facing east, realigned Beaver Pond Brook adjacent to new WB 25 off-ramp

With west at top, Najla G. Noujaim (Scott Road) Bridge with western deck being prepared for conctete
With west at top, Najla G. Noujaim (Scott Road) Bridge with western deck being prepared for concrete

Facing west, Najla G. Noujaim (Scott Road) Bridge vicinity
Facing east, Najla G. Noujaim (Scott Road) Bridge vicinity

Facing southwest, I-84 with WB 25 off ramp, and sound barrier wall along Beaver Pond Brook
Facing southwest, I-84 with WB 25 off ramp, and sound barrier wall along Beaver Pond Brook

With west at top, I-84 east of Scott Road Bridge
With east at top, I-84 east of Scott Road Bridge

With west at top, I-84 east of Austin Road
With east at top, I-84 east of Austin Road

Facing southwest, sound barrier wall along WB I-84 at Peirpont Road under construction
Facing southwest, sound barrier wall along WB I-84 at Peirpont Road under construction

With west (Austin Road) at top, I-84 and the end of Project limits
With east (Austin Road) at top, I-84 and the end of Project limits; End August aerial photos

Bridge deck closure pour on the Najla G. Noujaim (Scott Road) Bridge
Bridge deck concrete closure pour on the Najla G. Noujaim (Scott Road) Bridge

Labor Day
Full-depth roadway reconstruction

I-84 Waterbury Widening Project Ribbon-Cutting Event, August 20, 2018
Our ceremonial ribbon-cutting event to announce the opening of the I-84 lanes, took place on top of Harpers Ferry Road Bridge. Pictured, from left to right, are: Anthony and Tonya DiBella; FHWA Division Administrator, Amy D. Jackson-Grove; CTDOT Commissioner James P. Redeker; Mayor of Waterbury, Neil M. O’Leary; Dante DiBella; Governor Dannel P. Malloy; State Representative Stephanie Cummings; State Representative Geraldo Reyes Jr.; Mayor of Prospect, Robert J. Chatfield; Former State Representative Selim Noujaim; and CTDOT District 4, District Engineer John S. Dunham.

Governor Dannel P. Malloy arrives for ribbon-cutting event, August 20, 2018
Governor Dannel P. Malloy arrives for ribbon-cutting event, August 20, 2018

The Governor Malloy, District Engineer, John S. Dunham, and CTDOT Commissioner Redeker discuss the project prior to the event
The Governor Malloy, District Engineer, John S. Dunham, and CTDOT Commissioner James P. Redeker discuss the project prior to the event

CTDOT Commissioner James P. Redeker introduces his guest, Dante Dibello, to the Governor
CTDOT Commissioner James P. Redeker introduces his guest, Dante Dibello, to the Governor

Project Engineer Chris Zukowski greets invited guests
Project Engineer Chris Zukowski greets invited guests

Mayor Neil M. O'Leary opens the event, and welcomes attendees
Mayor Neil M. O’Leary opens the event, and welcomes attendees

CTDOT Commissioner James P. Redeker addresses attendees and speaks of the progress of the project
CTDOT Commissioner James P. Redeker addresses attendees and speaks of the progress of the project

Governor Dannel P. Malloy speaks of progress of transportation infrastructure in Connecticut
Governor Dannel P. Malloy speaks of progress of transportation infrastructure in Connecticut

Governor Malloy prepares to cut the ribbon announcing the upcoming three lanes open, along with CTDOT Commissioner, elected officials, and guests
Governor Malloy prepares to cut the ribbon announcing the upcoming three lanes open, along with CTDOT Commissioner, guests, elected officials, and guests

Ribbon is cut
Ribbon is cut

Rep. Geraldo Reyes poses with part of the ceremonial ribbon in front of I-84 Waterbury Project plans
Rep. Geraldo Reyes with part of the ceremonial ribbon in front of I-84 Waterbury Project plans

Map of Project limits with realigned I-84, and three eastbound I-84 lanes open
Map of Project limits with realigned I-84, and three eastbound I-84 lanes open

EB 23 on-ramp opens
New eastbound 23 on-ramp will open Tuesday night, August 14, weather permitting

Begin July aerial photos from east of eastern Project Limits: Facing west, from Pierpont Road to Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge (Scott Road)
Begin July aerial photos from east of eastern Project Limits: Facing west, from Pierpont Road to Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge (Scott Road)

Facing northwest, from eastern end of Project Limits, east of Pierpont Road - sound barrier wall along EB 25A on-ramp
Facing northwest, from eastern end of Project Limits, east of Pierpont Road – sound barrier wall along EB 25A on-ramp

Facing west, Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge at Scott Road with new WB I-84 construction (lower right).
Facing west, Najla G. Noujaim Memorial Bridge at Scott Road with new WB I-84 construction (lower right).

Facing north, east of Scott Road, I-84 lane construction, and water work in Beaver Pond Brook
Facing north, east of Scott Road, I-84 lane construction, and water work in Beaver Pond Brook

Facing south, steel girders place adjacent to I-84 await installation on the bridge
Facing south, steel girders were placed adjacent to I-84 while awaiting installation on the bridge

Facing northeast, western portion of Najla G Noujaim Memorial Bridge with new pier and abutments, before structural steel installation
Facing northeast, new pier and abutments on western portion of the bridge before structural steel installation

Facing north, realigned Beaver Pond Brook north of new WB 25 off-ramp
Facing north, realigned Beaver Pond Brook north of new WB 25 off-ramp

Facing east, view of portion of future Plank Road East, north of existing WB 25 on-ramp
Facing east, view of portion of future Plank Road East, north of existing WB 25 on-ramp

Facing north, view of portion of future Plank Road East, north of existing WB 25 on-ramp, and new culvert under I-84
Facing north, view of portion of future Plank Road East, north of existing WB 25 on-ramp, and new culvert under I-84

Facing east, future Plank Road East is seen paved, north of I-84
Facing east, future Plank Road East is seen paved, north of I-84

Facing north, future Plank Road East, north of I-84
Facing north, future Plank Road East, north of I-84

Facing west; path of future Plank Road East, north of I-84 up to Harpers Ferry Road
Facing west; path of future Plank Road East, north of I-84 up to Harpers Ferry Road

Facing south, Harpers Ferry Road Bridge: former bridge is demolished; former ramp demolition; future ramp construction; culvert construction, lower left
Facing south, Harpers Ferry Road Bridge: former bridge is demolished; former ramp demolition; future ramp construction; culvert construction, lower left

Facing west, site of former Harpers Ferry Road Bridge. New culvert for Beaver Pond Brook will be under futrue Harpers Ferry Road
Facing west, site of former Harpers Ferry Road Bridge. New culvert for Beaver Pond Brook is under future Harpers Ferry Road

facing southwest, site of new intersection of Plank Road East, Harpers Ferry Road, and new WB 25 on-ramp
Facing southwest, site of new intersection of Plank Road East, Harpers Ferry Road, and new WB 25 on-ramp

Facing west, Harpers Ferry Road Bridge vicinity with road closure for demolition and construction
Facing west, Harpers Ferry Road Bridge vicinity with road closure for demolition and construction

Facing northeast, Harpers Ferry Road construction site north of I-84
Facing northeast, Harpers Ferry Road construction site, north of I-84

Facing north, Harpers Ferry Road, EB 25 off-ramp and Reidville Drive intersection
Facing north, Harpers Ferry Road, EB 25 off-ramp and Reidville Drive intersection

Facing east, new culvert under I-84 north of Reidville Drive, with openings in the median to allow sunlight penetration into the habitat beneath
Facing east, new culvert under I-84 north of Reidville Drive, with openings in the I-84 median to allow sunlight penetration into the habitat beneath

Facing south, Reidville Drive, south of I-84, adjacent to rock cut
Facing south, Reidville Drive, south of I-84, adjacent to rock cut

Facing southeast, Plank Road vicinity with sound barrier wall under conctruction along future Plank Road East
Facing southeast, Plank Road vicinity with sound barrier wall under conctruction along future Plank Road East

Facing north, west of Harpers Ferry Road, new I-84 bridge over the Mad River, south of Hamilton Park; new pedestrian bridge
Facing north, west of Harpers Ferry Road, new I-84 bridge over the Mad River, south of Hamilton Park; new pedestrian bridge

Facing southwest, west of Harpers Ferry Road, new I-84 bridge and EB 25 off-ramp over the Mad River, south of Hamilton Park; new pedestrian bridge
Facing southwest, west of Harpers Ferry Road, new I-84 bridge and EB 25 off-ramp over the Mad River, south of Hamilton Park; new pedestrian bridge

Facing south, sound barrier wall along EB 23 off-ramp
Facing south, sound barrier wall along EB 23 off-ramp; temporary loop on-ramp

Facing south, Hamilton Avenue Bridge; future 23 on-ramp is top left, east of the bridge
Facing south, Hamilton Avenue Bridge; future 23 on-ramp is top left, east of the bridge

Facing east, Hamilton Avenue Bridge; future 23 on-ramp is top right
Facing east, Hamilton Avenue Bridge; future 23 on-ramp is top right

Facing northeast, future EB 23 on-ramp bridges over the EB 25 off-ramp, and will open August 14
Facing northeast, future EB 23 on-ramp bridges over the EB 25 off-ramp, and will open August 14

Facing west, Hamilton Avenue Bridge before paving of western portion
Facing west, toward Washington Street and western end of Project limits; Hamilton Avenue Bridge will open to its full width on Tuesday night, August 14 – end July aerial photos