I-84 Waterbury Widening

I-84 Waterbury Widening

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The following questions were asked during the construction of the Project

What is the construction cost of this project?
The project budget including construction contingencies, utility work, and costs to inspect and administer the work is $330 million.

When will the project be finished?
Original contract completion was June 25, 2020. There were incentives in place for substantial completion by August 2019. (The project was substantially completed by December 2018.)

Can you explain the new alignment of roadways in the Harpers Ferry Road/Reidville Drive vicinity?
The link below is an info-graphic developed to illustrate the new alignments of I-84, EB 25 off ramp, WB 25 on ramp, Plank Road East, Harpers Ferry Road, and Reidville Drive
I-84 New Alignment Sketch Over Construction

How many lanes of I-84 will be open for travel?
There will be two lanes of east bound and west bound traffic open at all times during peak hours on a reduced roadway width.

What is the meaning of the terms abutment, pier, footing, etc., in bridge construction?
The link below is an info-graphic developed with bridge substructure elements defined, as illustrated by construction west of Harpers Ferry Road in July, 2016
Bridge Substructure Elements Illustrated by Construction West of Harpers Ferry Road

May people walk over the Hamilton Avenue Bridge while it is under construction?
Yes, there are clear crosswalk and pavement markings along the east side of the bridge delineating the pathway for pedestrians, illustrated in the link below.
Pedestrian Walkway Across Hamilton Avenue Bridge

When will night construction take place?
Allowable periods vary by day of the week and direction of travel. In general, lane closures may occur on weeknights on I-84 EB between 11:00 pm and 6:00 am and on I-84 WB between 10:00pm and 5:00 am.

What construction impacts will there be on Plank Road in the vicinity of Nardelli’s and what are the final plans for the area?
Plank Road near Nardelli’s will be renamed Plank Road East. It will remain open through all phases of construction. Plank Road East will be extended to Harpers Ferry Road. That roadway, which will remain two-way, is scheduled to open in 2019, will enable access to businesses on Plank Road East from either Scott Road to the east or from Harpers Ferry Road to the west. The existing ramp to I-84 WB will remain open during construction until a new ramp is constructed off of Harpers Ferry Road straight across the intersection with Plank Road East. Lane closures, including alternating one-way traffic, will be required at times for reconstruction of Plank Road East and for box culvert construction in that area.

Why is the I-84WB Exit 24 Harpers Ferry Road closed for such an extended period of time?
The permanent closure of the Exit 24 WB off ramp is part of the re-design of the I-84 corridor in Waterbury. The new design eliminates the close proximity of on and off ramps which impede the free flow of traffic through the area. The immediate closure of the ramp will allow for the commencement of construction activities in the Plank Road and Harpers Ferry Road vicinity. This closure will also allow the traffic entering the highway in the west bound direction on Plank Road (by Nardelli’s) to accelerate and merge with existing I-84 WB traffic easier.

Why can’t the construction take place at night?
Construction activities which interfere with the existing flow of traffic will only occur during off–peak hours, at night. The allowable time frame for lane closures varies by direction and location but generally will occur from 10pm to 6am. The majority of our construction activities occur behind temporary concrete barrier without affecting the current lane configuration on I-84. Shoulders will be narrow to non-existent however we do expect traffic to be worse than it is currently due to slower than normal traffic through a constrained area. This is necessary as the entire highway is not just being widened but rather being reconstructed with brand new bridges, retaining walls and pavement.

Will the I-84/Route 8 Interchange be part of this project?
No – the I-84/Route 8 Interchange is outside of this project’s limits, and is a separate project. Information about the Route 8/I-84 Mixmaster Rehab can be found on their website.