I-84 Waterbury Widening

I-84 Waterbury Widening

Images go here.

Photos: Jan-Mar 2016

Project aerial looking east
Project aerial looking east

Bridge 4321 Hamilton Avenue and retaining wall 104 (upper left )
Bridge 4321 Hamilton Avenue and retaining wall 104 (upper left )

Aerial, looking east, Harpers Ferry Road bridge located top center
Aerial, looking east, Harpers Ferry Road bridge located top center

Harpers Ferry Road area
Construction in Harpers Ferry Road area

Bridge 1224 - I-84 over Mad River western crossing
Bridge 1224 – I-84 over Mad River western crossing

I-84 looking east with Harpers Ferry Road bridge in center
I-84 looking east with Harpers Ferry Road bridge in center

I-84 looking west, Scott Road bridge top center
I-84 looking west, Scott Road bridge top center

Scott Road bridge area excavation for new sanitary sewer pipe
Scott Road bridge area excavation for new sanitary sewer pipe

I-84 looking east, Austin Road bridge in top left
I-84 looking east, Austin Road bridge in top left

I-84 looking west, Pierpoint Road bridge bottom center
I-84 looking west, Pierpoint Road bridge bottom center

The Project's Public Information Team was outside of Stop & Shop 3/24/16 to hear from the public, views and questions, on the Project.
Our Public Information Team was outside of Stop & Shop on Reidville Drive to hear views and questions on the Project.

Retaining Walls 113 and 114, under construction, will be along both sides of the future EB Exit 25 off ramp.
Retaining Walls 113 and 114, under construction, will be along both sides of the future EB Exit 25 off ramp.

Retaining Walls 113 and 114 under construction
Retaining Walls 113 and 114 under construction

Construction team prepares the stage with construction site backdrop for the Governor's press conference 3/15/2016
Construction team sets the stage for the Governor’s press conference 3/15/2016

Governor Dannel P. Malloy addresses the press at the I-84 Waterbury Project site west of Harpers Ferry Road. Also in attendance: (From podium to right) Joseph A. Geary, Chief of Staff, Office of the Mayor of Waterbury, CT; James P. Redecker, Commissi
Governor Dannel P. Malloy addresses the press at the I-84 Waterbury Project site west of Harpers Ferry Road. Also in attendance: (From podium to right) Joseph A. Geary, Chief of Staff, Office of the Mayor of Waterbury, CT; James P. Redecker, Commissioner, Connecticut Department of Transportation; Michelle Hilary, Asst. Division Administrator, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA); David W. Nardone, Engineering Team Leader, FHWA

I-84 facing west with WB exit 25 off ramp to right, and Scott Rd interchange
I-84 facing west with WB exit 25 off ramp to right, and Scott Rd. interchange

Jacking pit for new sanitary sewer pipe at Plank Road,(adjacent to former WB 24 off ramp)
Jacking pit for new sanitary sewer pipe at Plank Rd.,(adjacent to former WB 24 off ramp)

I-84 with Reidville Dr. rock cut to the south, and Harpers Ferry Rd interchange and new temporary bypass road
I-84 with Reidville Dr. rock cut to the south, and Harpers Ferry Rd interchange and new temporary bypass road

Abutments for future I-84 and WB Exit 25 off ramp over the Mad River eastern crossing
Abutments for future I-84 and WB Exit 25 off ramp over the Mad River eastern crossing

Abutments for future I-84 and WB Exit 25 off ramp over the Mad River eastern crossing with existing I-84 to the north
Abutments for future I-84 and WB Exit 25 off ramp over the Mad River eastern crossing with existing I-84 to the north

I-84 facing west, and Harpers Ferry Rd interchange; Reidville Dr. is on the left
I-84 facing west, and Harpers Ferry Rd. interchange; Reidville Dr. is on the left

Retaining Wall 104 south of EB 23 on ramp
Retaining Wall 104 south of EB 23 on ramp

Footings for future I-84 bridge over the Mad River western crossing (Bridge 1224)
Footings for future I-84 bridge over the Mad River western crossing (Bridge 1224)

I-84 facing east toward Harpers Ferry Road interchange
I-84 facing east toward over Bridge 1224 site

I-84 and Hamilton Ave. interchange; EB 23 on ramp is upper left
I-84 and Hamilton Ave. interchange; EB 23 on ramp is upper left

I-84 facing east, and Hamilton Ave. bridge construction; EB 23 on ramp is upper right
I-84 facing east, and Hamilton Ave. bridge construction; EB 23 on ramp is upper right

I-84 facing east with Hamilton Ave. interchange
I-84 facing east with Hamilton Ave. interchange

Abutments for future I-84 bridge and future EB Exit 25 off ramp over Mad River eastern crossing
Abutments for future I-84 bridge and future EB Exit 25 off ramp over Mad River eastern crossing

Workers constuct overhead sign support foundation at Retaining Wall 111, west of Pierpont Road
Workers constuct overhead sign support foundation at Retaining Wall 111, west of Pierpont Road

Constuction of overhead sign support foundation at Retaining Wall 111, west of Pierpont Road
Constuction of overhead sign support foundation at Retaining Wall 111, west of Pierpont Road

Retaining Wall 104, along I-84 EB Exit 23 on Ramp
Retaining Wall 104, south of I-84 EB Exit 23 on ramp

Over 80 attended the East Mountain Neighborhood Association's monthly meeting during which the I-84 Waterbury Project's Public Information Team presented the Project's progress update.
Over 80 attended the East Mountain Neighborhood Association’s monthly meeting during which the I-84 Waterbury Project’s Public Information Team presented the Project’s progress update.

The Project's Public Information Team presents the progress update to the East Mountain Neighborhood Association.
The Project’s Public Information Team presents the progress update to the East Mountain Neighborhood Association.

The Project's Public Information Team presents the progress update to the East Mountain Neighborhood Association.
East Mountain Neighborhood Association meeting attendees review materials on the Project.

I-84 from Washington Street, facing east towards Hamilton Avenue Bridge
I-84 from Washington Street, facing east towards Hamilton Avenue Bridge

I-84 (center) and Hamilton Ave. Bridge construction site
I-84 (center) and Hamilton Ave. Bridge construction site

I-84 from Hamilton Ave. looking east to Harpers Ferry Road
I-84 from Hamilton Ave. looking east to Harpers Ferry Road

-84 bridge over Mad River, western crossing; construction site with footings for new bridge
I-84 bridge over Mad River, western crossing; construction site with footings for new I-84 bridge; New pedestrian bridge in place south of I-84

Construction site of new I-84 bridge over Mad River, eastern crossing, and new bridge for Exit 25 off ramp; Above: Harpers Ferry Road; Below: I-84 EB, WB
Construction site of new I-84 bridge over Mad River, eastern crossing, and new bridge for Exit 25 off ramp; Above site: Harpers Ferry Road; Below site: I-84 EB, WB

Harpers Ferry Road with new bypass road to the right of it
Harpers Ferry Road (north to south) with new bypass road to the right of it

Plank Road/Harpers Ferry Road vicinity with realigned Mad River flowing through new box culvert
Plank Road/Harpers Ferry Road vicinity with realigned Mad River flowing through new box culvert

Reidville rock cut along Reidville Drive (below) and Harpers Ferry Road (right)
Reidville rock cut along Reidville Drive (below cut) and Harpers Ferry Road (right)

I-84 with Reidville Drive to the south of it, facing east towards Scott Road
I-84 with Reidville Drive to the south of it, facing east towards Scott Road

I-84 with Scott Road bridge, facing east
I-84 with Scott Road bridge, facing east toward Pierpont Road

I-84 Waterbury Project from Pierpont Road west to Washington Street - 2.7 miles
I-84 Waterbury Project from Pierpont Road west to Washington Street – 2.7 miles

Freshmen at Wilby High School learn about the I-84 Waterbury Project and career opportunities in transportation.
Freshmen at Wilby High School learn about the I-84 Waterbury Project and career opportunities in transportation.

Students work in teams to plan, design, and construct bridges that would withstand the weight of crossing vehicles.
Students work in teams to plan, design, and construct bridges that will withstand the weight of crossing vehicles.

Wilby High School freshmen work in teams to plan, design, and construct bridges.
Wilby High School freshmen work in teams to plan, design, and construct bridges.

Students construct an arch bridge, finishing the project early, and under the alotted budget.
Students construct an arch bridge, finishing the project early, and under the alotted budget.

Students consider if they have designed and constructed a culvert.
Students consider if they have designed and constructed a culvert.

One student works on constructing the bridge while the other keeps track of time and materials.
One student works on constructing the bridge while the other keeps track of time and materials.

Open to traffic!
Open to traffic!

Pouring concrete for Bridge 5774 abutment 1 (on western bank), future I-84 over Mad River eastern crossing
Pouring concrete for Bridge 5774 abutment 1 (on western bank), future I-84 over Mad River eastern crossing

Bridge 6284 (future Exit 25 off ramp over Mad River) abutment with form sections of cured concrete
Bridge 6284 (future Exit 25 off ramp over Mad River) abutment with form sections of cured concrete

Bridge 6284 (future Exit 25 off ramp over Mad River) abutment with one section of form removed, exposing concrete
Bridge 6284 (future Exit 25 off ramp over Mad River) abutment with section of form removed (see contrast with previous photo above), exposing concrete

Abutment for future EB Exit 25 off ramp (left), and footing for future I-84 bridge over Mad River eastern crossing (right)
Abutment for future EB Exit 25 off ramp (left), and footing for future I-84 bridge over Mad River eastern crossing (right)