Construction Weekly Project Update 7/30/2018
- Bridges
- Culverts
- Retaining Walls
- Local Roads
- I-84
- Night Work
- Waste Stockpile Area (WSA)
Please see our Interactive Map of the Project limits, with the locations of the construction sites below.
This map is also accessible from our homepage.
Bridge 4321 (Hamilton Avenue Bridge)
- Roadway work at approaches to Hamilton Avenue Bridge
- Install waterproof membrane on western portion of bridge deck
Bridge 6590 (Future EB 23 on-ramp, east of Hamilton Avenue Bridge)
- Install permanent signalization
Bridge 1226 (Harpers Ferry Road Bridge)
- Continue demolition of former Harpers Ferry Road Bridge over former I-84
- Install armored joints
- Demolition of structural steel from former EB 25 off-ramp bridge
Bridge 6591 (Future WB 25 on-ramp, west of Harpers Ferry Road)
- Install reinforced concrete wall
Bridge 1228 (Scott Road Bridge which will be renamed the Najla G. Noujaim
Memorial Bridge)
- Set bearings and safety rope
- Prepare area in front of eastern abutment for paving
Culvert 3727 (Beaver Pond Brook under Harpers Ferry Road, north of I-84)
- Set remaining headwall
- Form and pour moment slab, and backfill
- Install sewer bypass and tie-in near culvert
Retaining Walls
Retaining Wall 109 (East of WB 25 off-ramp)
- Form and pour sign foundation
Local Roads
Harpers Ferry Road
Future Plank Road East
- Install sound barrier wall foundation
Scott Road (and WB 25 off-ramp)
- Continue to excavate Beaver Pond Brook at site of former culvert
I-84 Mainline
Miscellaneous work project-wide
- Barrier moves
- Install camera foundations
- Install permanent signalization at Hamilton Avenue and Scott Road
Night Work
One-lane closures possible between 9:30 PM and 6:00 AM, Sunday through Friday nights
- Miscellaneous barrier moves
Waste Stockpile Area (WSA)/Temporary Reuse Stockpile Area (TRSA)
Trucking of controlled materials from WSA on Route 322 at Exit 28 to disposal facility (ongoing); Trucking excavated material to TRSA at Exit 30 WB.