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Beginning Saturday morning, September 15, at 6:00 AM, Scott Road Bridge will close in order to complete the final concrete closure pour on the new bridge deck. Scott Road Bridge is anticipated to reopen by 12:00 PM, noon, on Sunday, September 16.
Traffic will detour along local roads as follows:
To East Main Street from Reidville Drive:
From Scott Road (Prospect) to East Main Street:
To southbound Scott Road from East Main Street:
To Eastbound I-84 and Reidville Drive from East Main Street/Scott Road intersection:
Access to the businesses on Plank Road East will be provided, and the I-84 westbound (WB) 25 off-ramp, EB 25 on-ramp at Scott Road, and WB 25 on-ramp from Plank Road East, will remain open.
If inclement weather causes postponement, work will be performed the following weekend.