I-84 Waterbury Widening

I-84 Waterbury Widening

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Nighttime detours at I-84 eastbound Exit 25 off-ramp and EB 23 on-ramp

Between the hours of 11:00 PM and 5:00 AM, there will be nighttime detours of the I-84 eastbound 23 on-ramp, and of the eastbound Exit 25 off-ramp, to facilitate structural steel installation on the Hamilton Avenue Bridge above eastbound I-84.

Detours will be in place, with details below:


Time: 11:00 PM to 5:00 AM

Detour Routes:
For Eastbound Exit 25 off-ramp:

For Eastbound I-84 from existing I-84 eastbound 23 on-ramp at Hamilton Avenue Bridge:

If inclement weather causes postponement, work will be done the following night.

HAB detour