Construction Weekly Project Update 11/13/2017
- Bridges
- I-84
- Retaining Walls
- Local Roads
- Rock Blasting
- Waste Stockpile Area (WSA)
Bridge 4321 (Hamilton Avenue Bridge over I-84)
Bridge 6590 (EB 23 on ramp)
- Post tension and grout pier
- Form and pour parapets
- Form and pour abutment 1 approach slab
Bridge 1226 (Harpers Ferry Road Bridge)
- Form and pour sidewalk and parapets
Bridge 1224 (I-84 bridge over Mad River, western crossing)
- Form and pour concrete closure
- Form and pour EB stage 3 approach slabs
Bridge 5774 (future I-84 bridge over Mad River)
- Form and pour east and west approach slab for WB deck
- Pave deck
- Weld bearings
Bridge 1228 (Scott Road Bridge)
- Form and pour parapets
- Install protective fence
Retaining Walls
Retaining Wall 107 (along EB I-84 west of Scott Road Bridge)
- Form and pour footings
- Rig and set wall/parapet
Retaining Wall 118 (along EB I-84 east of Harpers Ferry Road and new Culvert 1227)
- Rig and set parapet
- Form and pour moment slab
I-84 Mainline
I-84 east of WB 25 on-ramp (Culvert 02537; Beaver Pond Brook under I-84)
- Rig and set cut-off wall slab on grade
- Form and pour closure pour
I-84 EB Mainline – Hamilton Avenue to Harpers Ferry Road
- Place median barrier
- Cut to subgrade
WB 25A on-ramp
- Drill foundations for sound barrier wall
Miscellaneous Work Locations on Mainline
- Install drainage
- Install concrete cap on median
- Place median barrier
Local Roads
Various Locations Project-wide
- Install fencing
- Install permanent and temporary illumination median conduit
East Main Street and Scott Road
- Fill roadway/grade/pave from Scott Road Bridge to East Main Street
Reidville Drive
- Excavate existing overburden of earth north of Reidville Drive
- Excavate Harpers Ferry Road detour
- Drill and blast rock
Rock Blasting
- Blasting will be permitted Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
- Motorists may experience brief stoppages on I-84, within the work area, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday between 9:30 am and 11:30 am.
- Traffic stoppages on Harpers Ferry Road and Reidville Drive to be implemented at time of blasts for safety reasons.
Waste Stockpile Area (WSA)/Temporary Reuse Stockpile Area (TRSA)
Trucking of controlled materials from WSA on Route 322 at Exit 28 to disposal facility (ongoing); Trucking excavated material to TRSA at Exit 30 WB.
Fill the Bucket! Food drive