I-84 Waterbury Widening

I-84 Waterbury Widening

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New WB Exit 25 off-ramp and New Plank Road to Open Monday Night – October 30, 2017

Beginning Monday night, October 30, the new Westbound (WB) Exit 25 off-ramp will open, with the entrance to the ramp beginning just west of the existing ramp; the former ramp will close. The new ramp will end at a new intersection with Scott Road and the new Plank Road, south of the former intersection.

New temporary signalization will be in place.

As access to the former eastern end of Plank Road will close permanently, a two-way access road to the Mobil gas station will be in place, along with trail blazer signs.

If inclement weather causes postponement, the opening will take place the following night.

WB 25 off ramp opens