I-84 Waterbury Widening

I-84 Waterbury Widening

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Construction Weekly Project Update 8/14/2017


Bridge 4321 (Hamilton Avenue over I-84)

Bridge 1224 (I-84 bridge over Mad River, western crossing)

Bridge 6284 (future EB 25 off ramp)

Bridge 1226 (Harpers Ferry Road Bridge)

Bridge 1228 (Scott Road Bridge)

Retaining Walls

Retaining Wall 106 (north of WB I-84 west of WB 25 off ramp)

Retaining Wall 118 (along EB I-84 east of Harpers Ferry Road and new culvert 1227)

Retaining Wall 119 (along WB I-84 east of Harpers Ferry Road)



Local Roads

Reidville Drive

East Main Street

Plank Road East (adjacent to existing WB 25 on ramp, along west end of Retaining Wall 106)

Night Work

Waste Stockpile Area (WSA)/Temporary Reuse Stockpile Area (TRSA)

Trucking of controlled materials from WSA on Route 322 at Exit 28 to disposal facility (ongoing); Trucking excavated material to TRSA at Exit 30 WB.