Construction Weekly Project Update 12/5/2016
- Bridges
- Retaining Walls
- I-84
- Local Roads
- Rock Blasting
- Night Work
- Waste Stockpile Area (WSA)
Bridge 4321 (Hamilton Avenue over I-84) – night work
- Demolish existing superstructure (eastern portion)
- Remove fascia brackets
Bridge 1224 (I-84 bridge over Mad River, western crossing)
- Install cofferdam; demolish center pier
- Construct WB 25 off ramp
- Remove fascia brackets
- Install temporary earth retaining system abutment 1
Bridge 5774 (future I-84 over Mad River, eastern crossing)
- Form and pour back walls abutment 2
Bridge 6284 (future EB 25 off ramp over Mad River)
- Complete setting and bolting-up structural steel
Bridge 1226 (Harpers Ferry Road over I-84)
- Form and pour footing abutment 2
Retaining Walls
Retaining Wall 104 (south of EB 23 on ramp)
Retaining Wall 106 (north of WB I-84 west of WB 25 off ramp)
Retaining Wall 116 (adjacent to Harpers Ferry Road bypass vicinity)
- Rig and set concrete blocks
Mill and pave various locations in preparation for winter (night work)
Local Roads
Harpers Ferry Road/Plank Road
- Install 18” water main and services
Reidville Drive
- Construct and pave bypass (at Culvert 003 vicinity at eastern end of rock cut)
- Excavation & trucking of materials
- One lane closed intermittently with alternating traffic
Scott Road (Culvert 014 at Scott Road south of WB 25 off ramp)
- Form and pour southern wing wall leveling pad
- Backfill and install utilities
Plank Road East (Culvert 02537 at Beaver Pond Brook under WB I-84, east of WB 25 on ramp)
- Form and pour cutoff footing between Retaining Wall 108 – along I-84, east of WB 25 on ramp – and culvert
- Set box culvert sections
- Beaver Pond Brook channel excavation
Rock Blasting
- No rock blasting is anticipated this week.
Night Work
- Hamilton Avenue Bridge demolition
- Milling and paving
Waste Stockpile Area (WSA)/Reuse Stockpile Area (RSA)
Trucking of controlled materials from WSA on Route 322 at Exit 28 to disposal facility (ongoing); Trucking excavated material to RSA at Exit 30 WB.