I-84 Waterbury Widening

I-84 Waterbury Widening

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Plank Road from Harpers Ferry Road to White Oak Lane to Close 04/27/2015

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) is announcing that construction activities related to the reconstruction of I-84 require the closing of Plank Road from Harpers Ferry Road to White Oak Lane for approximately 18 months starting on April 27, 2015. There will be no access to Brookdale Lane from Plank Road; access will be maintained from East Main Street. Vehicular and pedestrian access to residences within the closed section of Plank Road will be maintained.

Detour signs will be posted to assist motorists through this area.

Detour Info:
EB Plank Road: Left onto White Oak Lane, left onto Brookdale Lane, right onto East Main Street, right onto Harpers Ferry Road.

WB Plank Road: Harpers Ferry Road north; left onto East Main Street, left onto Brookdale Lane, right onto White Oak Lane to Plank Road

Motorists and residents are advised to sign-up for project updates by visiting the I-84 Waterbury project website, i-84waterbury.com.

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is working to inform local residents of current and upcoming construction activities through project newsletters, press notices, travel alerts, social media, as well as the I-84 Waterbury project website. For more information, please visit i-84waterbury.com or if you have any questions related to construction, please contact us at info@i-84waterbury.com.

Plank Road Detour