I-84 Waterbury Widening

I-84 Waterbury Widening

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Construction Weekly Project Update 7/11/2016


Bridge 4321 (Hamilton Avenue over I-84)

Bridge 5774 (future I-84 over Mad River eastern crossing)

Bridge 6284 (future EB 25 off ramp over Mad River)

Bridge 1226 (Harpers Ferry Road over I-84)

Retaining Walls

Retaining Wall 101 (along I-84 east, of WB Exit 23 off ramp)

Retaining Wall 109 (along I-84, east of WB Exit 25 off ramp)

Retaining Wall 113 and 114 (along both sides of future EB 25 off ramp)


I-84 EB (east of Scott Rd)

EB 25 on ramp (ramp from Scott/Reidville Dr)

I-84 WB (west of Scott Road parallel to Plank Road)

Median reconstruction WB Hamilton Avenue to Washington Street

I-84 EB off ramp (EB Exit 23 Hamilton Ave)

Sewer Work

Jacking Pit (under I-84 adjacent to former WB 24 off ramp)

I-84 Exit WB 25 off ramp (Beaver Pond Brook/Scott Road)

Local Roads

Reidville Drive

Scott Road (Culvert 014 at Scott Road south of WB 25 off ramp)

Rock Blasting

Waste Stockpile Area (WSA)/Reuse Stockpile Area (RSA)