Construction Weekly Project Update 6/27/2016
- Bridges
- Retaining Walls
- I-84
- Sewer Work
- Local Roads
- Rock Blasting
- Waste Stockpile Area (WSA)
Bridge 4321 (Hamilton Avenue over I-84)
- Night work Set structural steel girders
- Install water main, fascia brackets and decking
- Night work: One-lane closures on I-84 to be implemented sporadically in each direction for safety purposes 9:30 PM to 6:00 AM
Bridge 1224 (I-84 over Mad River, western crossing)
- Dry run with bridge concrete machine on I-84 mainline deck
- Install concrete deck for EB 25 off ramp
Bridge 5774 (Future I-84 over Mad River eastern crossing)
- Drive production piles abutment 2
Bridge 6284 (future EB 25 off ramp over Mad River)
- Rebar, form, and pour stemwalls abutment 2
Bridge 1226 (Harpers Ferry Road over I-84)
Retaining Walls
Retaining Wall 101 (along I-84 east, of WB Exit 23 off ramp)
- Continue to set parapet
- Install moment slab
- Form and pour leveling pads
Retaining Wall 109 (along I-84, east of WB Exit 25 off ramp)
- Rig, set, and backfill blocks
Retaining Wall 110 (along I-84, east of EB 25 on ramp)
- Set parapet/place moment slab
Retaining Wall 113 and 114 (along both sides of future EB 25 off ramp)
I-84 WB (west of Scott Road parallel to Plank Road)
- Install fine grade for asphalt
I-84 EB off ramp (EB Exit 23 Hamilton Ave)
- Prep work and install panels for noise barrier wall
Sewer Work
Jacking Pit (under I-84 adjacent to former WB 24 off ramp)
- Install chamber and tie-in sewer
I-84 Exit WB 25 off ramp (Beaver Pond Brook/Scott Road)
- Continue to excavate and install sewer
Local Roads
Reidville Drive
- One lane closed intermittently with alternating traffic
- Excavation and trucking of materials
Scott Road (Culvert 014 at Scott Road south of WB 25 off ramp)
- Install gabions earth retaining system
Rock Blasting
- Rock blasting to occur along Reidville Drive. When I-84 needs to be stopped for safety reasons, blasting will occur on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 9:30AM and 11:30AM. When no traffic stoppage on I-84 is required blasting may occur Monday through Friday from 9:00AM – 3:00PM.
- Traffic stoppages on Hamilton Ave., Harpers Ferry Road and Reidville Drive to be implemented at time of blasts for safety reasons.
Waste Stockpile Area (WSA)/Reuse Stockpile Area (RSA)
- Trucking of controlled materials from WSA on Route 322 at Exit 28 to disposal facility (ongoing).
- Trucking excavated material to RSA at Exit 30 WB